Purpose: achievement of a qualitatively new level of completeness and efficiency of meeting the information needs of society in modern knowledge in the field of law.
Subject:according to the branch of science"Legal Sciences"on specialties (12.00.01-12.00.12, 19.00.06, 21.07.01-21.07.03, 21.07.05) according to the current list of branches of science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on specialties 081 Law, 262 Law enforcement activity, 293 International law.
ISSN1995-6134 (Online) Frequency of publication:5times a year.
Added to the List of scientific professional legal editions by the resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine from 18.01.2007, No 3-05/1 (Bulletin of the VAC of Ukraine. 2007. No 2. P. 5), re-registered to the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 04.07.2013, No 893 (Annex 6).
Corresponds with the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 7157:2010 "Information and documentation. Electronic edition. Basic Types and Output Details".